Local Area Representatives
IBC trips depend heavily on co-operated efforts, and clear communication between all of the people who make these efforts possible. Across the states we have local representatives who help us keep the lines of communication up to speed. These representatives stand ready to answer your questions, forward information and help with suggestions for travel preparations. Feel Free to email them should you have questions pertaining to our upcoming trips.
International Represenatives
Hello my name is: John Doe
I live in the Dublin area of Ireland.
I am a member of the First Baptist Church.
I regularly serve in the ministries of Bus Ministry, Children's Ministry, and Weekly Outreach in the church I attend.
I am eager to help answer any questions you may have about the upcoming IBC trip.
Please contact me at ibcjondoe@gamil.com
Please take a moment to read my testimony below.

USA Represenatives
Hello my name is: David McLaughlin
I live in the Charlotte area of North Carolina.
I am a member of the Faith Baptist Church in Mint Hill, NC.
I regularly serve in the ministries of Sunday School, Awana, Preaching/Teaching, and Nursing Home in the church I attend.
I am eager to help answer any questions you may have about the upcoming IBC trip.
Please take a moment to read my testimony below.

Hello my name is: Paul Robinson
I live in the area of Alaska.
I am a member of the Northstar Baptist Church
I regularly serve in the ministry as a Pastor in the church I attend.
I am eager to help answer any questions you may have about the upcoming IBC trip.
Please take a moment to read my testimony below.

Hello my name is: Tanner Sutton
I live in the area of Seattle, WA.
I am a member of the Open Door Baptist Church - Lynnwood, WA
I regularly serve in the ministry of Children’s ministry, special music, choir and song leading, security, regular outreach, and construction focused missions trips in the church I attend.
I am eager to help answer any questions you may have about the upcoming IBC trip.
Please take a moment to read my testimony below.

Hello my name is: David Madill
I live in the area of White Bluff, TN.
I am a member of the Grace Chapel in Liepers Fork, TN.
I regularly serve in the ministry of Children’s ministry in the church I attend.
I am eager to help answer any questions you may have about the upcoming IBC trip.
Please take a moment to read my testimony below.

Hello my name is: Leah Crozier
I live in the area of Charlotte area TN.
I am a member of the Bethel Baptist Church.
I regularly serve in the ministry of sunday school teacher, nursing home ministry, teen ministry, and food ministry in the church I attend.
I am eager to help answer any questions you may have about the upcoming IBC trip.
Please take a moment to read my testimony below.